Anthem Highlands

Board of Directors

Anthem Highland
Board of Directors

Ken Bensinger – President 
Dahl Capello
Jeff Mullen
Pennie Puhek
Jay Winter – Treasurer

The Board of Directors has pre-set the upcoming 2024 meeting schedule as shown above. Please check the current agenda for any changes to location, times, and dates.

Board Meeting Time:
Regular (Open Session) – 5:00pm
Executive (Closed Session) – Time and Location TBD. Meeting is by invitation only and notice will be sent to those invited at least 15 days prior to the meeting date.

Meeting Location:
Physical Location: Paris Room – Solera at Anthem, 2401 Sommersworth Dr., Henderson, NV 89044 Per NRS 116 all Open Session Board Meeting will be audio recorded.

Any changes made to the date, time or location above will be pre-noticed at least 10-days prior to the applicable meeting date. Any membership meetings included above will be noticed again and include the applicable agenda within the required notice period (15- 60 days prior to the membership meeting)
This notice is made available to the association’s membership in accordance with NRS. Each meeting of the Executive Board in Regular Session shall be audio recorded. Agendas will be available a minimum of three (3) days prior to the meeting and will be available upon request to or may be downloaded from the community web portal found at and signing into your applicable account. You will need the Management
ID of 2016, your Association ID of AHC and your Assessment Account Number without the dash to set up your homeowner profile and gain access to the Community web portal. Items on the agenda may be adjusted as needed to meet the business needs of the Association. Revisions may be made within 48-hours prior to the meeting. If revised the Revised Agenda will be available through the same methods.

Financial Review Disclosures: The Board fulfills its duty in accordance with NRS 116.31083, to review quarterly the financial statements including a current reconciliation of the operating and reserve accounts, the actual revenues and expenses for the reserve account compared to this year’s budget, the bank statements, and the income statement. Full Financial reports are forwarded to the Board of Directors for review monthly.

Executive Session Meeting Disclosure: The Board meets before or after the scheduled Board meeting in Executive Session for the Board to review applicable delinquencies, discussions with the Associations Attorney, concerns with Management and/or violations. Executive Session meeting dates are posted above and on the HOA portal or available upon request. These are closed meetings.

Audio Recordings and Minutes of each meeting are available in accordance NRS 116.31083 by contacting Taylor Association Management, 259 N. Pecos Rd., Suite 100, Henderson, NV 89074 Phone: 702-736-9450, or emailing Approved minutes are also available on the community web portal found at and signing into your applicable account. There is no cost in downloading information from the association website but there may be costs associated with obtaining printed copies and/or audio recordings.

At each Board Meeting, any homeowner present will have a chance to speak during the homeowner forums. The forum at the beginning of the meeting will be for agenda items only. The forum at the end of the meeting is open for any other comments/suggestions. To ensure everyone gets an opportunity to speak, comments may be limited to three minutes. No owner can give away their allotted time to expand another owner’s time.